Troupe #3406 - A.T.O.R.T.
We are proud to be a part of the International Honor Society for Theatrical Excellence. We have technicians and actors alike earning National, even international honors within the organization. A.T.O.R.T. stands for "A Troupe Of Ridiculous Thespians" and was founded at Mingus back in 2003. However, Its Troupe history goes back to 1980 here at Minugs Union High School.
Get ready for the Thespian Inductions that will be held at the Mingus Auditorium May 18th, 2024 at 6:00pm. The theme is…? (You’ll find out soon!) Those being inducted or receiving a new status among the troupe have received an invitation. All inductees must be present to receive membership into thespian troupe #3406. For those who aren't being inducted but still wish to attend, please show up and enjoy the festivities, this event is open to all. For those solely being inducted, don't forget, you have to have an act prepared, we'd also like to ask that act's are kept under 5 minutes. If you're not a stage performer it's okay, just talk to the Mr. Ball and we'll find a tech position that'll count for your performance, hurry though because tech spots fill quickly. Hope to see you there!